Monday, March 9, 2009

I just want everyone to see how lucky my Aunt Ruthie & Uncle Ralph were Sunday afternoon!! Their home got destroyed and they were in there when it happened!! They are just lucky to be ALIVE!!! Keep them in your prayers as they have lost everything...We were able to get most of their clothes and pictures and pull furniture out but your house is still your house and you don't realize until something like this happens how much you can loose in just a split second!! Here are a few pics I want to share with you!

Love, Sheena


adriana said...

hi. i just wanted to say that i love your blog and its very well put together. if you can, please visit mine:

Unknown said...

Hey, I am so sorry to see the pics and all that was lost. Thank goodness that God was watching over them. They are in my prayers.

A Preemie Momma said...

Oh, Sheena We will keep them in our prayers!

Laura Raber said...

Wow Sheena! I had no idea that I would have a connection to them! I watched video on the internet and it showed the trailor and talked about them...and they're your Aunt & Uncle! I'm so sorry for their loss and it is so awesome how God takes special care of our lives! Prayers for your family!!

Sonya said...

We will keep them in our prayers Sheena, That is just terrible. Thankfully God was watching over them and keeping them safe. You have a wonderful day at work!